Sunday, April 26, 2015

Reading for Monday 4/27

Main Reading:
X. Chen, C. Zitnick. Learning a Recurrent Visual Representation for Image Caption Generation, arXiv preprint arXiv:1411.5654 (2014).
Other reading:
G. Kulkarni, V. Premraj, S. Dhar, S. Li, Y. Choi, A. Berg and T. Berg. Baby Talk: Understanding and Generating Image Descriptions, CVPR, 2011.
V. Ordonez, G. Kulkarni and T. Berg. Im2Text: Describing Images Using 1 Million Captioned Photographs, NIPS, 2011.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Reading for Wednesday 4/15

H. Song, R. Girshick, S. Jegelka, J. Mairal, Z. Harchaoui and T. Darrell. On learning to localize objects with minimal supervision, ICML, 2014.

And additionally:

X. Chen, A. Shrivastava and A. Gupta. Enriching Visual Knowledge Bases via Object Discovery and Segmentation, CVPR, 2014.

C. Wang, W. Ren, K. Huang and T. Tan. Weakly Supervised Object Localization with Latent Category Learning, ECCV, 2014.

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Reading for Monday 4/13

A. Shrivastava, S. Singh and A. Gupta. Constrained Semi-Supervised Learning Using Attributes and Comparative Attributes, ECCV, 2012.

And additionally:

R. Fergus, Y. Weiss and A. Torralba. Semi-supervised Learning in Gigantic Image Collections, NIPS, 2009.

S. Sukhbaatar, J. Bruna, M. Paluri, L. Bourdev, R. Fergus. Training Convolutional Networks with Noisy Labels, arXiv preprint arXiv:1406.2080 (2014).

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Reading for Monday 4/6

Q. Le, M. Ranzato, R. Monga, M. Devin, K. Chen, G. Corrado, J. Dean and A. Ng. Building high-level features using large scale unsupervised learning, ICML, 2012.

And additionally:

B. Russell, A. Efros, J. Sivic, B. Freeman, A. Zisserman. Using Multiple Segmentations to Discover Objects and their Extent in Image Collections, CVPR, 2006.

Y. Lee and K. Grauman. Object-Graphs for Context-Aware Visual Category Discovery, CVPR, 2010.

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Reading for Monday 3/30

K. Simonyan, A. Zisserman. Two-Stream Convolutional Networks for Action Recognition in Videos, arXiv preprint arXiv:1406.2199 (2014).

And additionally:

A. Jain, A. Gupta, M. Rodriguez, L. Davis. Representing videos using mid-level discriminative patches, CVPR, 2013.

A. Karpathy, G. Toderici, S. Shetty, T. Leung, R. Sukthankar, F. Li. Large-scale Video Classification with Convolutional Neural Networks, CVPR, 2014.

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Reading for Monday 3/23

S. Singh, A. Gupta and A. Efros. Unsupervised discovery of mid-level discriminative patches, ECCV, 2012.

And additionally:

L. Bourdev and J. Malik. Poselets: Body Part Detectors Trained Using 3D Human Pose Annotations, ICCV, 2009.

Y. Li, L. Liu, C. Shen, A. Hengel. Mid-level Deep Pattern Mining, arXiv preprint arXiv:1411.6382 (2014).

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Reading for Wednesday 3/18

D. Parikh and K. Grauman. Relative attributes, ICCV, 2011.

And additionally:

A. Farhadi, I. Endres, D. Hoiem and D. Forsyth. Describing Objects by their Attributes, CVPR, 2009.

N. Kumar, A. Berg, P. Belhumer and S. Nayar. Attribute and Simile Classifiers for Face Verification, ICCV, 2009.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Reading for Monday 3/16

M. Aubry, D. Maturana, A. Efros, B. Russell, J. Sivic. Seeing 3D chairs: exemplar part-based 2D-3D alignment using a large dataset of CAD models, CVPR, 2014.

And additionally:

J. Lim, A. Khosla and A. Torralba. FPM: Fine pose Parts-based Model with 3D CAD models, ECCV, 2014.

A. Dosovitskiy, J. Springenberg, T. Brox. Learning to Generate Chairs with Convolutional Neural Networks, arXiv preprint arXiv:1411.5928 (2014).

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Discussion Board for Assignment

This is the official discussion board for the course assignment. Please see the assignment Here.

Reading for Wednesday 3/4

P. Felzenszwalb, R. Girshick, D. McAllester and D. Ramanan. Object detection with discriminatively trained part-based models, TPAMI 32, no. 9 (2010): 1627-1645.

And additionally:

R. Girshick, J. Donahue, T. Darrell, J. Malik. Rich feature hierarchies for accurate object detection and semantic segmentation, arXiv preprint arXiv:1311.2524 (2013).

C. Szegedy, S. Reed, D. Erhan, D. Anguelov. Scalable, High-Quality Object Detection, arXiv preprint arXiv:1412.1441 (2014).

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Reading for Wednesday 2/25

P. Arbelaez, M. Maire, C. Fowlkes and J. Malik. Contour detection and hierarchical image segmentation, TPAMI 33, no. 5 (2011): 898-916.

And additionally:

J. Carreira and C. Sminchisescu. Constrained parametric min-cuts for automatic object segmentation, CVPR, 2010.

J. Long, E. Shelhamer and T. Darrell. Fully convolutional networks for semantic segmentation, arXiv preprint arXiv:1411.4038 (2014).

Friday, February 20, 2015